Monday, 29 June 2015

All Time Low - Tinderbox - 28th June

Like most of the younger danish population i went to a music festival this weekend. My friend Maja and I got our tickets a while back when we heard that All Time Low would come to the festival.

All Time Low is not that big in Denmark, so it was kind of strange that they came here to a Festival and played the smallest stage there. I'm pretty sure that they play some huge stages in US and UK. They played already at the afternoon which is for the "smaller artists". I was pretty offended that such a big band for me was so small for everone else but yeah.

We arrived pretty early to stand in the front row. So we were in the front to a band before All Time Low that we didn't know. They were not bad, but it was pretty awkward to stand in front when you can't sing along to any of the songs.

I was a wreck when we could see Alex's blue hair backstage. I always starts to shake before a conert i have been looking forward to for so long. 
They made a pretty chill entrance and soon Jack became the whole party of the stage. He was so funny through the whole concert. He was running around the stage and infront of the stage. He crawled up and down the stage right in front of Maja and I all the time. I totally froze everytime he did is, so i didn't even get any good pictures of him standing right in front of me x.x *sigh*

Jack got a danish graduation cap at some point and had it on for a few songs. Excitingly stating that he graduated. He also collected all the bras people threw on the stage and had a little onesided conversation with a half naked guy laying close to the concert area. Later Alex agreed that we all could make sweet loving backstage. All in all a very awesome and humorous concert.

(Sorry any missspells but i am currently listing to All Time Low and did more than once start to write lyrics in the middle of everything and deleted it again)

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Karup å marked 2015

Yet another year with Lars Lilholt band! Though this have been the most stressfull marked weekend i have ever had.
It is kind of a tradition that the whole family is coming to our campsite where the Karup Å Marked is every year in the middle of june. I have been using my whole week for baking, because it is part of the tradition and my grandparents simply love when i bake for them.

I was crazy enough to thing i should bake a cheesecake which takes days to make, if you make them the right way. (Hummingbird bakery recipe) My mom wanted my "famous" white chocolate and cranberry cookies and then i tried to make french nougat (didn't end up that good). So it was kind of a project.

The festivity started already friday but i had to work Friday untill 6pm and work from 10am Saturday, so i stayed at home friday, because i didn't want to drive to work from the campsite and i don't really sleep that well out there. So i had to speed frem work (not really) Saturday and i got there half an hour after the rest of my family (Thank you old man who drove so fucking slow in front of me all the way from work to the campsite) and i felt bad, because my family didn't want to drink coffee or eat the cake before i came. They just sat there.

When the famile went home, one of my dads old friends came and started to drink really much. He is annoying enough already and i don't understand a word he is saying because he speaks like a redneck. So the drinking was just a pain in my ass. Luckly i had a few friend coming to get me and i could spend some time with them before i had to eat dinner.

The concert was not the best. For the first time in the.. well more than 10 years i have been to these concerts.. it was raining like hell. Everyone was wet and cold and had umbrellas with them. (Video)
Also it was quite slippery. A drunk lady broke her ankel right it front of us because she was dancing around. 4 first aid people came to get her, because she was quite big. Luckly me friend Camilla found me again and we saw the rest of the concert together in the rain.

Better pictures didn't i get this year. I didn't want to take any camera with me in the rain.