Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Having a little fangirl moment...

So yeah... Today i was - yet again - a computer expert at made my old old OLD laptop work through another computer (don't want to explain in details) but i found a lot oF old pictures xD
Some of them was happy forgotten and some of them... made me fangirl...

Because 14-15 year old be was the biggest fangirl.. still kind of is.. but it's not that bad anymore!
I have thousand THOUSAND pictures of Tokio Hotel xD  it's madness! But i came back to my little.. safezone, my little obsession... my little... fangirl flashback and yeah.. not im watching old videos and old pictures and fangirling so hard that it hurts my inner organs!

So yeah... i tthough i wanted to share it, but i don't think anyone is interested in watching all my pictures and videos so i'll cut it down to one video who explains everything i feel right now... the title of it is the best explanation of all time actually...

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