So this friday i was in the cinema with some friends to watch The Hobbit 2. The day before i got inspired to draw a little :3 i don't know a lot about the Lord of the Rings.. i know im not a prof geek.. but i do know gollum! So i though i would give my coal pencils another try!
Not very proud of the eyes though
Sunday, 22 December 2013
Thursday, 12 December 2013
Driving license!
Can't show you it, but i got it this Wednesday!
Well right not i only have a temporary license with is a little piece of paper untill my real license is comming in the mail.
I'm going to miss the damn car my Driving Instructor has. It is a nice and new BMW and now im going to get use to moms old Peugeot o.o
I have used a lot of money on the bus (>.<) and got up early to go to the driving lessons, but because of that i got to see the city in the dark. It looks quiet nice with all the Christmas light. (still not in the christmas spirit though)
Well right not i only have a temporary license with is a little piece of paper untill my real license is comming in the mail.
I'm going to miss the damn car my Driving Instructor has. It is a nice and new BMW and now im going to get use to moms old Peugeot o.o
I have used a lot of money on the bus (>.<) and got up early to go to the driving lessons, but because of that i got to see the city in the dark. It looks quiet nice with all the Christmas light. (still not in the christmas spirit though)
(google added twinkels to the pic wtf xD)
Thursday, 28 November 2013
NaNoWriMo winner! I DID IT!
I's so proud of myself because i did not think i could actually do it! I don't trink i have ever written that much in only 28 days.
The story is not done yet... far from done... i will continue writing it but not as fast as i did it the last month. I want to have a short break from the writing before i start again xD
The story is in Danish and the unedited version of it (with all my spelling mistakes and the damn commas) is on Movellas if you want to read the first 50.000 words :3
Im going to make a much better cover for it, but click the picture and find it on Movellas :3
Dansk resume:
Livet er skønt for Gabriella Harris på Duncan U fletcher High School i den dyre ende af Jacksonville. Hun har sine venner og hun har sine fjender og det hele kollidere i et ganske almindelig teenages liv. Dog ved hun ikke at skæbnen vil hende noget andet og et magisk smykke venter på hende på stranden og sender hende på en mission mellem to tidsperioder. Dronning Isis skal bruge hende til at genvinde magten over Egypten.
I's so proud of myself because i did not think i could actually do it! I don't trink i have ever written that much in only 28 days.
The story is not done yet... far from done... i will continue writing it but not as fast as i did it the last month. I want to have a short break from the writing before i start again xD
The story is in Danish and the unedited version of it (with all my spelling mistakes and the damn commas) is on Movellas if you want to read the first 50.000 words :3
Im going to make a much better cover for it, but click the picture and find it on Movellas :3
Dansk resume:
Livet er skønt for Gabriella Harris på Duncan U fletcher High School i den dyre ende af Jacksonville. Hun har sine venner og hun har sine fjender og det hele kollidere i et ganske almindelig teenages liv. Dog ved hun ikke at skæbnen vil hende noget andet og et magisk smykke venter på hende på stranden og sender hende på en mission mellem to tidsperioder. Dronning Isis skal bruge hende til at genvinde magten over Egypten.
Thursday, 21 November 2013
New discovery: The Twisted Sister
I don't know if you can call them new, but they are new for me!
I was randomly going through my favorite 80's songs on youtube one day and then this band Twisted Sister came up as realated to my search results and then of course i had to see what it was and i actually thing i have hear them before without knowing it, but i think they are really great if you like 80's music! They started in the 70's but i think it sound most like classic 80's rock :3
They are not pretty in any way xD but i really like their music!!
I was randomly going through my favorite 80's songs on youtube one day and then this band Twisted Sister came up as realated to my search results and then of course i had to see what it was and i actually thing i have hear them before without knowing it, but i think they are really great if you like 80's music! They started in the 70's but i think it sound most like classic 80's rock :3
They are not pretty in any way xD but i really like their music!!
Wednesday, 13 November 2013
NaNoWriMo day 13
I'll keep going!
Today is dedicated to writing! I'm sick anyway, so why not stay in bed and write all day?
Im a little ahead the wordcounter, but i really want to finish in good time! :3
Today i have only written 1.722 word so far, but i will keep going today and only take breaks for eating and thinking Ill try to keep awat the social networks, even though it's hard nowadays.
My total rgiht now is 25.051 and i will try write 1.000 maybe 2.000 more words today. That seems like a reachable goal for today :3
Today is dedicated to writing! I'm sick anyway, so why not stay in bed and write all day?
Im a little ahead the wordcounter, but i really want to finish in good time! :3
Today i have only written 1.722 word so far, but i will keep going today and only take breaks for eating and thinking Ill try to keep awat the social networks, even though it's hard nowadays.
My total rgiht now is 25.051 and i will try write 1.000 maybe 2.000 more words today. That seems like a reachable goal for today :3
Monday, 11 November 2013
"...No he is lying! It's TOKIO HOTEL!"
Just a quick update to say hey and WE FREAKING WON!
I have to admit that i did not think we had a big chance against the belibers, directioners and what every the other fanbases is named, but we did it!
The Aliens won the biggest fan award at the MTV EMA 2013 which is still going on in Amsterdam right now.
I think it's amazing how a band who have not been coming with any music for a couple of years can win this award, but that is just a prove of how dedicated the fans still are and we still love the guys ;-D
Of course i have been sitting on twitter for a long time to read all the hate comments from the other fanbases and i think it's great that they are so easy to piss off and im enjoying doing it xD (Im a bad person i know)
But Congratulations to Tokio Hotel, to the Aliens and to us! Cheers!
"There is the nominees, but who will walk away with the price? Will you do the honor? You have the envelope."
"And the winner is...Justin Bieber..." * little girls scream*
"Hahahah he is lying!"
"No, it's TOKIO HOTEL!"
PRICELESS!! i don't like rappers, but i sure like this one fucking with the belibers xD (sorry my language)
I have to admit that i did not think we had a big chance against the belibers, directioners and what every the other fanbases is named, but we did it!
The Aliens won the biggest fan award at the MTV EMA 2013 which is still going on in Amsterdam right now.
I think it's amazing how a band who have not been coming with any music for a couple of years can win this award, but that is just a prove of how dedicated the fans still are and we still love the guys ;-D

But Congratulations to Tokio Hotel, to the Aliens and to us! Cheers!
"There is the nominees, but who will walk away with the price? Will you do the honor? You have the envelope."
"And the winner is...Justin Bieber..." * little girls scream*
"Hahahah he is lying!"
"No, it's TOKIO HOTEL!"
PRICELESS!! i don't like rappers, but i sure like this one fucking with the belibers xD (sorry my language)
Wednesday, 6 November 2013
NaNoWriMo day 6
Yes... yes i'm trying my best and im actually very proud of myself that im a bit ahead of the word counter :3
NaNoWriMo, if you don't know it, is National Novel Writing Month! You have to write a novel in one month on at least 50.000 words!
One of my friends wanted me to participate and i don't have anything else to do, so why not?
Im rewriting a story i have tried to write before, but it was so bad that i had to stop myself. Not that im trying again i can see that i have become better, but im still not satisfied, but you don't get better, if you don't try!
Its day 6 now and right now im on 10.116 words. Maybe i can make a few update which will be embarrassing to do, if i actually don't reach the 50.000 words xD
If you are participating you can add me as writing buddy if you want to :3 My name is THfreaken (never seen that username before *cough*)
NaNoWriMo, if you don't know it, is National Novel Writing Month! You have to write a novel in one month on at least 50.000 words!
One of my friends wanted me to participate and i don't have anything else to do, so why not?
Im rewriting a story i have tried to write before, but it was so bad that i had to stop myself. Not that im trying again i can see that i have become better, but im still not satisfied, but you don't get better, if you don't try!
Its day 6 now and right now im on 10.116 words. Maybe i can make a few update which will be embarrassing to do, if i actually don't reach the 50.000 words xD
If you are participating you can add me as writing buddy if you want to :3 My name is THfreaken (never seen that username before *cough*)
Tuesday, 29 October 2013
Årets Halloween kager!
Jeg ved jeg normalt ikke skriver på dansk mere, men da det er lidt en tradition på bloggen at jeg laver dette indlæg, så kommer det lige ud på dansk :3
Dette års halloween kager er en smule selvopfundet fordi jeg ikke fandt den helt rigtige kage.
Jeg stjal opskriften på vanilje muffins fra dk-kogebogen, men tilføjede 50-75g chokolade 70%, fordi jeg vidste mine venner har et eller andet med chokolade. (kan ikke huske mængden af chokolade da jeg bare prøver mig frem)
Jeg hældte blå og grøn farvestof i kagerne, men det kan ikke rigtig ses på de færdige kager, med mindre man spiser dem selvfølgelig! :3
Frostingen er lavet af 120g flormelis og 120g gram smør og en lille smule mælk til at gøre det lidt mere medgørlig at smøre ud på kagerne. Jeg havde været forbi Specialkøbmanden i Viborg for at finde noget dekoration til kagerne. Da det er halloween skulle det være lidt dystert, så jeg fik bagformene, farven og krymmel derinde fra, da de simpelthen har ALT til bagning!
Links fra Specialkøbmandens hjemmeside hvor du kan købe det hele og mere til! Det er virkelig vidunderligt at de har valgt at ligge en butik så tæt på hvor jeg bor!
Bone Sprinkel Mix
Pasta- og frugtfarve
Mufinforme og tilbehørende pynt
Dette års halloween kager er en smule selvopfundet fordi jeg ikke fandt den helt rigtige kage.
Jeg stjal opskriften på vanilje muffins fra dk-kogebogen, men tilføjede 50-75g chokolade 70%, fordi jeg vidste mine venner har et eller andet med chokolade. (kan ikke huske mængden af chokolade da jeg bare prøver mig frem)
Jeg hældte blå og grøn farvestof i kagerne, men det kan ikke rigtig ses på de færdige kager, med mindre man spiser dem selvfølgelig! :3
Frostingen er lavet af 120g flormelis og 120g gram smør og en lille smule mælk til at gøre det lidt mere medgørlig at smøre ud på kagerne. Jeg havde været forbi Specialkøbmanden i Viborg for at finde noget dekoration til kagerne. Da det er halloween skulle det være lidt dystert, så jeg fik bagformene, farven og krymmel derinde fra, da de simpelthen har ALT til bagning!
Links fra Specialkøbmandens hjemmeside hvor du kan købe det hele og mere til! Det er virkelig vidunderligt at de har valgt at ligge en butik så tæt på hvor jeg bor!
Bone Sprinkel Mix
Pasta- og frugtfarve
Mufinforme og tilbehørende pynt
Saturday, 26 October 2013
Song of the day - Bon Jovi - Hallelujah
I know there is thousand versions of this song, but i really REALLY love Bon Jovi's version of it!
It's not my favorite song even though it's beautiful, but Bon Jovi makes me love it with his rough voice!
It's not my favorite song even though it's beautiful, but Bon Jovi makes me love it with his rough voice!
(But i still prefer his own rock ballads!)
Friday, 25 October 2013
Harry Potter Festival 2013
I realized that i totally forgot to write about this! Really, Helene? Yes... im an idiot...
I have known about this festival for over a year, but i have never been able to go to it because i did not know anyone who lived nearby! Because it is in Odense and that is pretty far away from me. Almost 3 hours in train...
So yeah maybe i took advantage of one of my friends who is now going to the university in Odense ... Thank you i love you! ;-* (you know i was not there only for the festival!!)
I did not know what to expect! I saw some pictures from 2012 and the roleplay was looking pretty damn good! So i though it would be like going in Hogsmeade or something like that! i though i would be able to buy the candy that JK Rowling described in the books and showed in the movies! I would like to have some real Bertie Butt's beans or the chocolate frogs! I may have though they would sell some real merch... but no...
Most of it was only for children.. like... really small children but i had fun anyway! Mostly because i was visiting my friend, but the end of the weekend with the Harry Potter concert was... AMAZING! As soon i heard the start of Hedwig's Theme... i had a meltdown! Everything from my childhood came back! The joy of seing a new Harry Potter movie or the first time my mother was reading the books for me! Simply magical!
And as my friend said.. when the concert ended and we walk out from the concert hall it was the same empty feeling we had, like when we saw the last movie and came out from the cinema...
Both my friend and i are going around with serious thoughts about being roleplay actors at next years festival! I have a half costume so why not complete it and use it? If i get the chance i'll do it!!
(I stole some of the pictures from one of the girl i was there with! sssh)
I have known about this festival for over a year, but i have never been able to go to it because i did not know anyone who lived nearby! Because it is in Odense and that is pretty far away from me. Almost 3 hours in train...
So yeah maybe i took advantage of one of my friends who is now going to the university in Odense ... Thank you i love you! ;-* (you know i was not there only for the festival!!)

Most of it was only for children.. like... really small children but i had fun anyway! Mostly because i was visiting my friend, but the end of the weekend with the Harry Potter concert was... AMAZING! As soon i heard the start of Hedwig's Theme... i had a meltdown! Everything from my childhood came back! The joy of seing a new Harry Potter movie or the first time my mother was reading the books for me! Simply magical!
And as my friend said.. when the concert ended and we walk out from the concert hall it was the same empty feeling we had, like when we saw the last movie and came out from the cinema...
Both my friend and i are going around with serious thoughts about being roleplay actors at next years festival! I have a half costume so why not complete it and use it? If i get the chance i'll do it!!
(I stole some of the pictures from one of the girl i was there with! sssh)
![]() |
House pride! |
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"No pictures"-sign... pppfh... the concert was not started when i took this picture!! |
Professor Pomona Sprout |
Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy! And... some Slytherin girl... |
Nymphadora Tonks |
Tuesday, 22 October 2013
Crying girl drawing project
So i have been using... 6 hours+ on this drawing and im actually quite happy with the result!
I don't know why i wanted to draw a crying girl, but yeah... the inspiration just came and i had to do something.
I have never been drawing something like this on computer before.. im kind of proud!
Just a "fun fuct" but i have been drinking over 2 liter of tea while drawing this... im really tired and done... wow..
Slimline widescreen tablet from Trust
ArtWeaver drawing program
I don't know why i wanted to draw a crying girl, but yeah... the inspiration just came and i had to do something.
I have never been drawing something like this on computer before.. im kind of proud!
Just a "fun fuct" but i have been drinking over 2 liter of tea while drawing this... im really tired and done... wow..
Slimline widescreen tablet from Trust
ArtWeaver drawing program
Tuesday, 15 October 2013
The house slave got some new stuff!!
Hahah... and the house slave is me... not that im doing much at home, but mom wanted me to clean the bathroom once and for all and it was the most disgusting thing i have ever done... i don't think we have ever cleaned the top of the little closet before and im so sore in my wrists after cleaning it... BUT!
Because of the beautiful result my mom bought me Assassin's Creed 3 Washington Edition!!!
I have only played it a few times before with some friends but it is much better than the first one :o (i jumped from the first to the third even though i have the second one too...) but the fact that i have to add another account to ANOTHER gaming website is just... argh!
Im just starting getting to like Steam and now Uplay? jesus.. why can't it all just connect to one of them?
But when we went buying the game... for only 50DKK btw!!!!... I need pants! Like seriously... im not a person who cares that much about what i wear anymore... but i have lost a lot of weight the last few years and i only had 3 pair of pants i did not drop when i was walking xD but now that i ripped one of them i think i had to buy some new ones! I use to wear a lot of black, but i wanted to try something new and bought a pair of green and a pair of purple jeans :3
The fun thing is that its the same kind of pants... from the same company... but two different sizes o.o
And btw... bought this ugly ass skirt a while ago... i don't know what i was thinking but it was on sale, buuuut i can't find a was to style it without looking like a giant! (the picture is taking from the "good side" if you know what i mean xD)
Because of the beautiful result my mom bought me Assassin's Creed 3 Washington Edition!!!
I have only played it a few times before with some friends but it is much better than the first one :o (i jumped from the first to the third even though i have the second one too...) but the fact that i have to add another account to ANOTHER gaming website is just... argh!
Im just starting getting to like Steam and now Uplay? jesus.. why can't it all just connect to one of them?
But when we went buying the game... for only 50DKK btw!!!!... I need pants! Like seriously... im not a person who cares that much about what i wear anymore... but i have lost a lot of weight the last few years and i only had 3 pair of pants i did not drop when i was walking xD but now that i ripped one of them i think i had to buy some new ones! I use to wear a lot of black, but i wanted to try something new and bought a pair of green and a pair of purple jeans :3
The fun thing is that its the same kind of pants... from the same company... but two different sizes o.o
And btw... bought this ugly ass skirt a while ago... i don't know what i was thinking but it was on sale, buuuut i can't find a was to style it without looking like a giant! (the picture is taking from the "good side" if you know what i mean xD)
Sunday, 13 October 2013
Well well well...
I love writing... not only blogs but novels, short stories and all that. I think many people knows that. But i have never thought that i was very good at it, and well... i know a few people who is extraordinary good at it so i have been writing a lot the last few years to become better, then i discovered A page where you can publish yours short stories and get response from other young people who also loves to write. I have been on that page for a long time now, but the response on my stories have not been many. Not many have noticed my stuff and i started to realize why.
Movellas is dominated by fan fiction writers and i could see the most popular stories on the front page was all fan fictions.
So yeah... i did something many will hate me for. I started to write fan fictions almost a half year ago... about One Direction... yes...
I know that many.. or.. most of my friends want to throw up as soon they hear the name of that boyband, so i made another user on Movellas to write the fan fictions.
I wrote on my user, that i was not a fan but i wanted to write fan fictions for them and people was nice to me and gave me inspiration which i did not own for a long time before this. i Started writing what people wanted to read and the response was massive, quick and great! And im actually proud to say that one of my stories made it to the front page as the thrid most popular at the month a while ago!
But well.. in the start i got a lot of comments on my stories saying that maybe i should read a bit about the boys before i was writing, because some of the things was very wrong and weird to them... apparently they don't play things like skyrim.. they play Fifa... some kind of football game... Well.. maybe they were right.
So yes i have seen nearly thousand interviews with them and reading other writers fan fictions. Some of them was actually very good! But okay... i enjoy reading stupid romantic stuff and 99.9% of the fan fictions are stupid romantic stuff so of course i liked some of them.
Am i a fan now? I don't know... am i?
I really enjoy reading and writing about them and i don't think i will stop as long someone will read my stories.
But i don't think their music is something special and i will never go to a concert with them.
The posters will never hang on my wall and i don't care about gossip unless it could be great to add in a fan fic.
Still... i felt ashame about all this right from the start. Not just because i wrote what people wanted and not what i wanted, but also because it is so popular to hate today. I hated them because everyone else did. I did not know anything about them, i just hated them.
But now that i (not on purpose in the first place) confesed i am writing fan fictions about them, i remember back in 8. grade when i started being Tokio Hotel fan. It was popular to hate them and every one was teasing me because i liked them, but i did not care in the end, so why should i care now?
I can tell you now, that im proud of my stories and im glad that people like them. More to come if someone gives me new ideas.
If you really want to read them, then let me know somehow. Im still a little shy about my stories and have been very anonymous even for those who have been reading them. The fact that no one knows who i am when i was writing was just so calming. I should not face people who had a comment, but i feel i have to do that now. It was kind of a safezone for me.
I even attended competitions on that user which had nothing to do with fan fictions... just to make sure that no one i know could comment on it :/
And now that it's out.. i can show you another thing... a picture of me trying to do a makeover and i don't think many have seen me with anything else but eyeliner... another safezone totally destryed... you're welcome
Movellas is dominated by fan fiction writers and i could see the most popular stories on the front page was all fan fictions.
So yeah... i did something many will hate me for. I started to write fan fictions almost a half year ago... about One Direction... yes...
I know that many.. or.. most of my friends want to throw up as soon they hear the name of that boyband, so i made another user on Movellas to write the fan fictions.
I wrote on my user, that i was not a fan but i wanted to write fan fictions for them and people was nice to me and gave me inspiration which i did not own for a long time before this. i Started writing what people wanted to read and the response was massive, quick and great! And im actually proud to say that one of my stories made it to the front page as the thrid most popular at the month a while ago!
But well.. in the start i got a lot of comments on my stories saying that maybe i should read a bit about the boys before i was writing, because some of the things was very wrong and weird to them... apparently they don't play things like skyrim.. they play Fifa... some kind of football game... Well.. maybe they were right.
So yes i have seen nearly thousand interviews with them and reading other writers fan fictions. Some of them was actually very good! But okay... i enjoy reading stupid romantic stuff and 99.9% of the fan fictions are stupid romantic stuff so of course i liked some of them.
Am i a fan now? I don't know... am i?
I really enjoy reading and writing about them and i don't think i will stop as long someone will read my stories.
But i don't think their music is something special and i will never go to a concert with them.
The posters will never hang on my wall and i don't care about gossip unless it could be great to add in a fan fic.
Still... i felt ashame about all this right from the start. Not just because i wrote what people wanted and not what i wanted, but also because it is so popular to hate today. I hated them because everyone else did. I did not know anything about them, i just hated them.
But now that i (not on purpose in the first place) confesed i am writing fan fictions about them, i remember back in 8. grade when i started being Tokio Hotel fan. It was popular to hate them and every one was teasing me because i liked them, but i did not care in the end, so why should i care now?
I can tell you now, that im proud of my stories and im glad that people like them. More to come if someone gives me new ideas.
If you really want to read them, then let me know somehow. Im still a little shy about my stories and have been very anonymous even for those who have been reading them. The fact that no one knows who i am when i was writing was just so calming. I should not face people who had a comment, but i feel i have to do that now. It was kind of a safezone for me.
I even attended competitions on that user which had nothing to do with fan fictions... just to make sure that no one i know could comment on it :/
And now that it's out.. i can show you another thing... a picture of me trying to do a makeover and i don't think many have seen me with anything else but eyeliner... another safezone totally destryed... you're welcome
Friday, 4 October 2013
Damn! Feel like a model!!!
...Not really... but i was at the photographer not long ago and it took ages to get the pictures sent to us, and we don't know why! Maybe it was a hard work at the photoshop to make me look good? No? I don't think they used photoshop, but you will never know! Well... i will never know.
Anyway i really hate getting my picture taken... but here is some of the pcitures... don't laugh please! xD
Anyway i really hate getting my picture taken... but here is some of the pcitures... don't laugh please! xD
Tuesday, 24 September 2013
The Lord of the Rings Online game!
So i have been using too much time on playing this online game with Ayla in the last few weeks xD
We have no idea what we're doing most of the time, but its actually really funny!
We are not very serious when we are playing and these screenshots shows it pretty well....
(click the picture to make them bigger)
We have no idea what we're doing most of the time, but its actually really funny!
We are not very serious when we are playing and these screenshots shows it pretty well....
(click the picture to make them bigger)
Saturday, 21 September 2013
Haarkreide - Hair crayon
I don't know how to translate it from German to English, but i found this amazing product when i was reading a German magazine online,
This is simply crayon you can dye your hair with o.o It will last untill you wash it, and then you can take a new color the next day!
After seeing some videos, i can tell that you need a straighteners on top of the crayon after dyeing it, but it looks better than extensions!
And the problem with dark hair and hairdye does not exist! you don't need blond hair!
I'll love to try it some day!
You can see videos and information about the product on the link if you want to read about it yourself, but it is in german, just so you know!
Friday, 6 September 2013
FOUND IT! Yorkshire tea!
I think im the only one around that can be so excited about tea, but i have been looking for this tea for a while!
I don't know why, but my dad skiped across some sport channel (why do we even have that?) and saw some football, or soccer if you want to be difficult, but on some of the players shirts that was a advertising sighn saying "yorkshire tea."
I have never hear about a football team be sponsored by tea before xD and i still don't know who they were because i was not really paying attention, but i looked up the tea and i became curious about this tea because it looked sooo british, if you can say that?
But we do not really have this special kind of tea in Denmark... so i though!!
I have been looking around the internet and thinking about buying it online and make then send it to me here in Denmark, BUT when i was in one of the big supermarkets, Frost Super Best, i found this little area and they had a british/american market and OF COURSE i found my tea! And there was only one left!
I paid 55DKK for it.. a bit more than 7€, but i think it was worth it!
It has 80 teabags and they are for more than one cup each! Or else you will have a very strong tea!
I got the classic which is a strong black tea as i like it! Yey!
I don't know why, but my dad skiped across some sport channel (why do we even have that?) and saw some football, or soccer if you want to be difficult, but on some of the players shirts that was a advertising sighn saying "yorkshire tea."
I have never hear about a football team be sponsored by tea before xD and i still don't know who they were because i was not really paying attention, but i looked up the tea and i became curious about this tea because it looked sooo british, if you can say that?
But we do not really have this special kind of tea in Denmark... so i though!!
I have been looking around the internet and thinking about buying it online and make then send it to me here in Denmark, BUT when i was in one of the big supermarkets, Frost Super Best, i found this little area and they had a british/american market and OF COURSE i found my tea! And there was only one left!
I paid 55DKK for it.. a bit more than 7€, but i think it was worth it!
It has 80 teabags and they are for more than one cup each! Or else you will have a very strong tea!
I got the classic which is a strong black tea as i like it! Yey!
Thursday, 29 August 2013
Making of the new header
I don't know if i should be proud or something, but i made a new header for the blog... but if you made it down to read this, you may already have seen it xD
It was not exactly what i wanted but i guess it's okay? untill i can make something better... which is... not now xD
But here is the two thing i put together even though i look weird...
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